Philippians 4:13
My favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me".
I have recieved so much peace in reading those words over and over. Sometimes it feels as though we cannot overcome our personal struggles or weaknesses. Or it may feel as if that scripture is true for everyone except ourselves. But Jesus Christ did not die for our sins and pain and sorrows for just some of us. He overcame ALL things for ALL people. That gives me hope and comfort in this life.
We may not always be delivered right away, but God can always provide us hope for deliverance through Him. He can bless us with immediate grace as we put our trust in Him. He can take away our pain as we continue to exercise faith in Him. We can overcome ALL things through Jesus Christ becasue of His love for us. Because He descended below all things and still overcame it all.
I like to affirm to myself that I am currently overcoming, or that I have already overome, all things through Jesus Christ instead of saying, "I will eventually maybe be able to do all things through Christ"- as if it is some unattainable or unreachable thing. Bringing that truth into the present moment, rather than a possibility in the distant future, helps me to feel more empowered by His matchless love. We always have access to the power of Jesus Christ's Atonement. He is where we can always draw true strength from. Never give up on Him. He will never ever give up on you.
Sometimes if I feel overwhelmed or full of fear, I ask Heavenly Father for my Savior to come with me- so that facing my fears doesn't seem quite as scary. Our Father in Heaven and our Savior, Jesus Christ, are always aware of us. They want to help us in every aspect of our lives. They desire to sooth our fears, take away our pain, and with their help, overcome all things through our Savior and Redeemer. They lead us and love us. They walk with us every step of our journey. Even when it feels lonely, they are there and will never leave you.
You can do all things, and you will do all things, and you have done so many things, through Christ who strengthens you. His love and healing is always available to you. His atonement is always sufficient for you.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Chantelle, I think your website is so well done and so is your beautiful product. Nice work. All the best.
Great website Chantelle. It is refreshing to see you bring Jesus Christ into your site. Beautiful testimony. Nice product. I am going back to look at it more. I appreciate your contributions to our class. Happy Thanksgiving.